Remote Working: Psychology & The Law. (PCT Accredited Certificate)
Remote working is here to stay. Are you equipped to deal with it’s implications? Do you have the necessary knowledge base and/or qualification to meet this new challenge? This course will equip you with the necessary skills and expertise to tackle this new work environment.

Online & onsite blended learning
Due to Covid-19 restrictions this course will be delivered through our online platform, live zoom classes and question and answer sessions.
The National Remote Working Strategy was published by the government in January and its stated purpose is to strengthen the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees. New legislation is set to be introduced in September, 2021 in a strategy published by the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar.
What challenges are now facing employers in the light of this new legislation and employee relationships such as the, “right to disconnect”? Where in fact is the new working place when it comes to employers obligations and how far do these obligations now extend? What other new legislation should employers be aware of in the post-pandemic workplace? Crucially, do old laws and practices still apply?
Answers to these and a myriad of related areas as to apply to employer and employee obligations will be addressed in this course – a must attend for all employers, HR Managers and Personnel Executives. As they come to terms with new policies, procedures and practices within their organisations.
Remote Working: Psychology & the Law (PCT Accredited Certificate) helps equip you in your career path in the post-pandemic work environment. This course is delivered to QQI standard and CPD equivalence comprises:
Video Lectures x 2 hours (4 topics + update lecture)
Pre-recorded Break Out Sessions x 30 minutes each (4 sessions)
Directed Learning x 4 hours
Consultation: A live zoom call with lecturer John Deane-O’Keeffe and/or colleague to discuss your specific career requirements and pathways.
This course will take approximately six hours to complete with directed learning and is delivered online. Once each video session is conducted (x 30 minutes) there will be a 30 minute break out session where the lecturer and colleague engage in a discussion regarding the section covered.
Course Objectives:
- To review the current legislation (to include the Employment Equality Acts 1995-2015 (and its amendments) and the common law as they relate to the rights and obligations of employers and employees.
- Introduce learners to the Government’s National Remote Working Strategy, proposed legislation and the actual and likely implications of both for employers.
- Introduce learners to the psychology of the traditional and new work space and the importance of understanding human behaviours in the post-pandemic working world.
- Introduce learners to the recent developments in legislation as it effects employers such as the recently commenced, Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act 2020, the Parental Leave Acts 1998-2019 and Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act 2019, to name but three.
- Assist learners in revision of their current policy, practice and procedures in light of the above.
Key Topics:
- Existing Laws – Employees beware: They haven’t gone away you know
- New Laws - New Strategies: Employees embrace the unknown
- Ahead of the Curve - Understanding government strategy in a disparate workplace
- Peace of mind - Knowing your rights and obligations in the new workplace
- Remote Working – Traps, benefits and solutions for employees
- Psychology of the workplace in transition - New concerns. same people.
Who should do this course?
This course is ideally suited to all those whom are either working in HR, quasi - HR or aspire to working in a Human Resource environment :
- Administrators
- HR Officers
- HR Administrative Staff
- Accounts Administrators
- Clerical Staff
John Deane-O'Keeffe
Doctoratus in Gister Studiorum (TCD) (ad eundem Cantab.) M.St. (Cantab.) PG Dip Crim. (Cantab.) MA Laws (Lond.) LL.B (UWE) Dipl. Legal Studies, Grad. Dip Law, BA (UCD)

"The uncertainty for employers created by the government's National Strategy for Remote Working and the fresh legislation that will support it later this year, is understandable. What employers need most in a post-pandemic workplace is clarity, certainty and answers to legal and related matters in the employment arena. This short programme will provide a solid foundation that both identifies potential pitfalls for employers in the new workplace and critically, furnishes solutions."
John Deane-O’Keeffe is a Law Lecturer & Lecturer in Forensic Psychology. He is also a Radio Broadcaster.
John is a Director, Colleges of Criminology & Psychology at City Colleges, Dublin where he is a Senior Lecturer in Law on the FE1 Solicitors Examinations and the Barristers’ Entrance Examinations for the King’s Inns. Additionally, he is a Magistrate in England where he sits on the Northumbrian Bench and is an Associate Member of the New Zealand Bar Association. John is formerly Adjunct Faculty at Trinity College Dublin where he was Assistant Professor in the School of Psychology.
John has many years investment banking experience in the City of London where he worked in UBS as an Associate Director in Risk Management and latterly in the position of Assistant Director in the Legal Department (Debt & Derivatives) at Investment Bank, ING Barings.
John is a graduate of University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, UWE Bristol, LMU and the University of Cambridge, where he is a life member of Homerton College. He is also an Associate Member of Exeter College, Oxford, where he is currently engaged in research.
Awarded by PCT – Professional Consulting & Training